This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Reproducible analyses with REANA: Setup

REANA client

This lesson teaches the principles of containerised scientific workflows by means of using the REANA reproducible analysis platform.

As a participant, you should either install reana-client on your laptop:

virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/reana
source ~/.virtualenvs/reana/bin/activate
pip install reana-client

Alternatively, you can also log into CERN’s LXPLUS cluster using ssh and activate a pre-existing environment there:

source /afs/

After the installation of reana-client, please check whether your client works by asking for its version:

reana-client version

REANA cluster

This lesson will use the cluster instance to run the client workflows.

Please verify whether you can log into using your CERN account.

Advanced alternative

Alternatively, if you do not have access to CERN computing cluster and if you are a Docker and Kubernetes power user who would like to follow this lesson at home, you could also install your own REANA cluster.