This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Reproducible analyses with REANA: Setup

REANA client

This lesson teaches the principles of containerised scientific workflows by means of using the REANA reproducible analysis platform.

As a participant, you should either install reana-client on your laptop:

python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/reana
source ~/.virtualenvs/reana/bin/activate
pip install reana-client

Alternatively, if you have a CERN computing account, you can also log into CERN’s LXPLUS computing cluster using ssh and work there by activating a pre-existing environment:

$ ssh
johndoe@lxplus> source /afs/

After the installation of reana-client, please check whether your client works by asking for its version number:

reana-client version

REANA server

The reana-client that you have just successfully installed will have to connect to a certain REANA server instance where your workflows will be running. There are basically two options you can choose from.

Option 1: Use REANA cluster at CERN

If you have a CERN computing account, you can use the cluster instance at CERN to run your workflows. Please verify whether you can log in to this web site. If yes, then you are ready to follow the episodes of this lesson.

(Note: it is possible that you may be able to log into using your local University account by means of the eduGAIN sign-in option on the login page. Please check with your training course organisers about this option when in doubt.)

Option 2: Install your own REANA cluster

If you do not have access to the CERN computing cluster and if you are comfortable learning more about using container technologies and would like to practice using Kubernetes to deploy cloud applications, you can alternatively install your own REANA cluster on your laptop. Please note that a minimum of 12 GB memory is recommended for installing REANA cluster on your laptop.

If you choose this option, then whenever this lesson will speak of connecting to, you would simply connect to https://localhost:30443 instead, which is where your local REANA instance will be running on your laptop.