This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)



Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What have we learned today?

  • Where to go from here?

  • Learn about REANA community

Wrapping up

We have discussed the problem of reproducibility and reusability of scientific analyses.

We have practiced the declarative programming approach through several examples of containerised scientific workflows.

We have seen some of the capabilities of the REANA platform allowing you to easily run containerised scientific workflows on remote compute clouds.

Please experiment with the containerised scientific workflows and let us know what you think!

The REANA platform is in a pilot stage; the early feedback with real-life use cases is greatly appreciated.

Get in touch:

Thanks and here’s to many preproducible analyses ;)

Key Points

  • Experiment with containerised workflows to advance scientific reproducibility in your research