Lorentz vectors, particle PDG IDs, jet-clustering, oh my!
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How do I compute deltaR, mass, coordinate transformations, etc.?
How do I get masses, decay widths, and other particle properties?
What about jet-clustering and other specialized algorithms?
Learn about the existence of some helpful Scikit-HEP packages.
Lorentz vectors
In keeping with the “many small packages” philosophy, 2D/3D/Lorentz vectors are handled by a package named Vector. This is where you can find calculations like deltaR
and coordinate transformations.
import vector
one = vector.obj(px=1, py=0, pz=0)
two = vector.obj(px=0, py=1, pz=1)
one + two
To fit in with the rest of the ecosystem, Vector must be an array-oriented library. Arrays of 2D/3D/Lorentz vectors are processed in bulk.
, MomentumNumpy3D
, MomentumNumpy4D
are NumPy array subtypes: NumPy arrays can be cast to these types and get all the vector functions.
import skhep_testdata, uproot
import awkward as ak
import vector
tree = uproot.open(skhep_testdata.data_path("uproot-Zmumu.root"))["events"]
one = ak.to_numpy(tree.arrays(filter_name=["E1", "p[xyz]1"]))
two = ak.to_numpy(tree.arrays(filter_name=["E2", "p[xyz]2"]))
one.dtype.names = ("E", "px", "py", "pz")
two.dtype.names = ("E", "px", "py", "pz")
one = one.view(vector.MomentumNumpy4D)
two = two.view(vector.MomentumNumpy4D)
one + two
After vector.register_awkward()
is called, "Momentum2D"
, "Momentum3D"
, "Momentum4D"
are record names that Awkward Array will recognize to get all the vector functions.
tree = uproot.open(skhep_testdata.data_path("uproot-HZZ.root"))["events"]
array = tree.arrays(filter_name=["Muon_E", "Muon_P[xyz]"])
muons = ak.zip(
{"px": array.Muon_Px, "py": array.Muon_Py, "pz": array.Muon_Pz, "E": array.Muon_E},
mu1, mu2 = ak.unzip(ak.combinations(muons, 2))
mu1 + mu2
Particle properties and PDG identifiers
The Particle library provides all of the particle masses, decay widths and more from the PDG. It further contains a series of tools to programmatically query particle properties and use several identification schemes.
import particle
from hepunits import GeV
z_boson = particle.Particle.from_name("Z0")
z_boson.mass / GeV, z_boson.width / GeV
lambda p: p.pdgid.is_meson and p.pdgid.has_strange and p.pdgid.has_charm
pdgid = particle.Corsika7ID(11).to_pdgid()
Jet clustering
In a high-energy pp collision, for instance, a spray of hadrons is produced which is clustered into `jets’ of particles and this method/process is called jet-clustering. The anti-kt jet clustering algorithm is one such algorithm used to combine particles/hadrons that are close to each other into jets.
Some people need to do jet-clustering at the analysis level. The fastjet package makes it possible to do that an (Awkward) array at a time.
import skhep_testdata, uproot
import awkward as ak
import particle
from hepunits import GeV
import vector
picodst = uproot.open(
px, py, pz = ak.unzip(
picodst.arrays(filter_name=["Track/Track.mPMomentum[XYZ]"], entry_stop=100)
probable_mass = particle.Particle.from_name("pi+").mass / GeV
pseudojets = ak.zip(
{"px": px, "py": py, "pz": pz, "mass": probable_mass}, with_name="Momentum4D"
good_pseudojets = pseudojets[pseudojets.pt > 0.1]
import fastjet
jetdef = fastjet.JetDefinition(fastjet.antikt_algorithm, 1.0)
clusterseq = fastjet.ClusterSequence(good_pseudojets, jetdef)
ak.num(good_pseudojets), ak.num(clusterseq.inclusive_jets())
This fastjet package uses Vector to get coordinate transformations and all the Lorentz vector methods you’re accustomed to having in pseudo-jet objects. I used Particle to impute the mass of particles with only track-level information.
See how all the pieces accumulate?
Key Points
Instead of building vector methods into multiple packages, a standalone package provides just that.
The value of these small packages amplify when used together.