Histogram manipulations and fitting
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How do I fill histograms?
How do I project/slice/rebin pre-filled histograms?
How do I fit histograms?
Learn how high-energy physics histogramming differs from mainstream Python.
Learn about boost-histogram and hist, with their array-like slicing syntax.
See some examples of fitting histograms, using different packages.
Histogram libraries
Mainstream Python has libraries for filling histograms.
NumPy, for instance, has an np.histogram function.
import skhep_testdata, uproot
tree = uproot.open(skhep_testdata.data_path("uproot-Zmumu.root"))["events"]
import numpy as np
Because of NumPy’s prominence, this 2-tuple of arrays (bin contents and edges) is a widely recognized histogram format, though it lacks many of the features high-energy physicists expect (under/overflow, axis labels, uncertainties, etc.).
Matplotlib also has a plt.hist function.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In addition to the same bin contents and edges as NumPy, Matplotlib includes a plottable graphic.
Boost-histogram and hist
The main feature that these functions lack (without some effort) is refillability. High-energy physicists usually want to fill histograms with more data than can fit in memory, which means setting bin intervals on an empty container and filling it in batches (sequentially or in parallel).
Boost-histogram is a library designed for that purpose. It is intended as an infrastructure component. You can explore its “low-level” functionality upon importing it:
import boost_histogram as bh
A more user-friendly layer (with plotting, for instance) is provided by a library called “hist.”
import hist
h = hist.Hist(hist.axis.Regular(120, 60, 120, name="mass"))
Universal Histogram Indexing (UHI)
There is an attempt within Scikit-HEP to standardize what array-like slices mean for a histogram. (See documentation.)
Naturally, integer slices should select a range of bins,
but often you want to select bins by coordinate value
# Explicit version
h[hist.loc(90) :].plot()
# Short version
or rebin by a factor,
# Explicit version
h[:: hist.rebin(2)].plot()
# Short version
or sum over a range.
# Explicit version
h[hist.loc(80) : hist.loc(100) : sum]
# Short version
Things get more interesting when a histogram has multiple dimensions.
import uproot
import hist
import awkward as ak
picodst = uproot.open(
vertexhist = hist.Hist(
hist.axis.Regular(600, -1, 1, label="x"),
hist.axis.Regular(600, -1, 1, label="y"),
hist.axis.Regular(40, -200, 200, label="z"),
vertex_data = picodst.arrays(filter_name="*mPrimaryVertex[XYZ]")
vertexhist[:, :, sum].plot2d_full()
vertexhist[-0.25j:0.25j, -0.25j:0.25j, sum].plot2d_full()
vertexhist[sum, sum, :].plot()
vertexhist[-0.25j:0.25j:sum, -0.25j:0.25j:sum, :].plot()
A histogram object can have more dimensions than you can reasonably visualize—you can slice, rebin, and project it into something visual later.
Fitting histograms
By directly writing a loss function in Minuit:
import numpy as np
import iminuit.cost
norm = len(h.axes[0].widths) / (h.axes[0].edges[-1] - h.axes[0].edges[0]) / h.sum()
def f(x, background, mu, gamma):
return (
+ (1 - background) * gamma**2 / ((x - mu) ** 2 + gamma**2) / np.pi / gamma
loss = iminuit.cost.LeastSquares(
h.axes[0].centers, h.values() * norm, np.sqrt(h.variances()) * norm, f
loss.mask = h.variances() > 0
minimizer = iminuit.Minuit(loss, background=0, mu=91, gamma=4)
(h * norm).plot()
plt.plot(loss.x, f(loss.x, *minimizer.values))
Or through zfit, a Pythonic RooFit-like fitter:
import zfit
binned_data = zfit.data.BinnedData.from_hist(h)
binning = zfit.binned.RegularBinning(120, 60, 120, name="mass")
space = zfit.Space("mass", binning=binning)
background = zfit.Parameter("background", 0)
mu = zfit.Parameter("mu", 91)
gamma = zfit.Parameter("gamma", 4)
unbinned_model = zfit.pdf.SumPDF(
[zfit.pdf.Uniform(60, 120, space), zfit.pdf.Cauchy(mu, gamma, space)], [background]
model = zfit.pdf.BinnedFromUnbinnedPDF(unbinned_model, space)
loss = zfit.loss.BinnedNLL(model, binned_data)
minimizer = zfit.minimize.Minuit()
result = minimizer.minimize(loss)
Key Points
High-energy physicists approach histogramming in a different way from NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy, etc.
Scikit-HEP tools make histogramming and fitting Pythonic.