Continuous Integration / Continuous Development (CI/CD)



Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is continuous integration / continuous deployment?

  • Understand why CI/CD is important

  • Learn what can be possible with CI/CD

  • Find resources to explore in more depthg

What is CI/CD?

Continuous Integration (CI) is the concept of literal continuous integration of code changes. That is, every time a contributor (student, colleague, random bystander) provides new changes to your codebase, those changes are tested to make sure they don’t “break” anything. Continuous Deployment (CD), similarly, is the literal continuous deployment of code changes. That means that, assuming the CI passes, you’d like to automatically deploy those changes.

Catch and Release

This is just like a fishing practice for conservation preservation!


Breaking Changes

What does it even mean to “break” something? The idea of “breaking” something is pretty contextual. If you’re working on C++ code, then you probably want to make sure things compile and run without segfaulting at the bare minimum. If it’s python code, maybe you have some tests with pytest that you want to make sure pass (“exit successfully”). Or if you’re working on a paper draft, you might check for grammar, misspellings, and that the document compiles from LaTeX. Whatever the use-case is, integration is about catching breaking changes.

Don’t know pytest ?

To learn more about pytest visit its documentation or follow this training module.


Similarly, “deployment” can mean a lot of things. Perhaps you have a Curriculum Vitae (CV) that is automatically built from LaTeX and uploaded to your website. Another case is to release docker images of your framework that others depend on. Maybe it’s just uploading documentation. Or to even upload a new tag of your python package on pypi. Whatever the use-case is, deployment is about releasing changes.

Workflow Automation

CI/CD is the first step to automating your entire workflow. Imagine everything you do in order to run an analysis, or make some changes. Can you make a computer do it automatically? If so, do it! The less human work you do, the less risk of making human mistakes.

Anything you can do, a computer can do better

Any command you run on your computer can be equivalently run in a CI job.

Don’t just limit yourself to thinking of CI/CD as primarily for testing changes, but as one part of automating an entire development cycle. You can trigger notifications to your cellphone, fetch/download new data, execute cron jobs, and so much more. However, for the lessons you’ll be going through today and that you’ve just recently learned about python testing with pytest, we’ll focus primarily on setting up CI/CD with tests for code that you’ve written already.

CI/CD Solutions

Now, obviously, we’re not going to make our own fully-fledged CI/CD solution. Plenty exist in the wild today, and below are just a popular few:

For today’s lesson, we’ll only focus on GitLab’s solution. However, be aware that all the concepts you’ll be taught today: including pipelines, stages, jobs, artifacts; all exist in other solutions by similar/different names. For example, GitLab supports two features known as caching and artifacts; but Travis doesn’t quite implement the same thing for caching and has no native support for artifacts. Therefore, while we don’t discourage you from trying out other solutions, there’s no “one size fits all” when designing your own CI/CD workflow.

Parallel lesson on GitHub CI/CD

We also have a training on GitHub actions, the CI/CD system of GitHub

Key Points

  • CI/CD is crucial for any reproducibility and testing

  • Take advantage of automation to reduce your workload

Exit Codes


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • What is an exit code?

  • Understand exit codes

  • How to print exit codes

  • How to set exit codes in a script

  • How to ignore exit codes

  • Create a script that terminates in success/error

As we enter the first episode of the Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) session, we learn how to exit.

Start by Exiting

How does a general task know whether or not a script finished correctly or not? You could parse (grep) the output:

> ls nonexistent-file
ls: cannot access 'nonexistent-file': No such file or directory

But every command outputs something differently. Instead, scripts also have an (invisible) exit code:

> ls nonexistent-file
> echo $?
ls: cannot access 'nonexistent-file': No such file or directory

The exit code is 2 indicating failure. What about on success? The exit code is 0 like so:

> echo
> echo $?


But this works for any command you run on the command line! For example, if I mistyped git status:

> git stauts
> echo $?
git: 'stauts' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

The most similar command is

and there, the exit code is non-zero – a failure.

Exit Code is not a Boolean

You’ve probably trained your intuition to think of 0 as false. However, exit code of 0 means there was no error. If you feel queasy about remembering this, imagine that the question asked is “Was there an error in executing the command?” 0 means “no” and non-zero (1, 2, …) means “yes”.

Try out some other commands on your system, and see what things look like.

Printing Exit Codes

As you’ve seen above, the exit code from the last executed command is stored in the $? environment variable. Accessing from a shell is easy echo $?. What about from python? There are many different ways depending on which library you use. Using similar examples above, we can use the (note: deprecated) os.system call:

Snake Charming

To enter the Python interpreter, simply type python in your command line.

Once inside the Python interpreter, simply type exit() then press enter, to exit.

>>> import os,subprocess
>>> ret = os.system('ls')
>>> os.WEXITSTATUS(ret)
>>> ret = os.system('ls nonexistent-file')
>>> os.WEXITSTATUS(ret)

One will note that this returned a different exit code than from the command line (indicating there’s some internal implementation in Python). All you need to be concerned with is that the exit code was non-zero (there was an error).

Setting Exit Codes

So now that we can get those exit codes, how can we set them? Let’s explore this in shell and in python.


Create a file called with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $1 == "hello" ]
  exit 0
  exit 59

and then make it executable chmod +x Now, try running it with ./ hello and ./ goodbye and see what those exit codes are.


Create a file called with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
if sys.argv[1] == "hello":

and then make it executable chmod +x Now, try running it with ./ hello and ./ goodbye and see what those exit codes are. Déjà vu?

Ignoring Exit Codes

To finish up this section, one thing you’ll notice sometimes (in ATLAS or CMS) is that a script you run doesn’t seem to respect exit codes. A notable example in ATLAS is the use of setupATLAS which returns non-zero exit status codes even though it runs successfully! This can be very annoying when you start development with the assumption that exit status codes are meaningful (such as with CI). In these cases, you’ll need to ignore the exit code. An easy way to do this is to execute a second command that always gives exit 0 if the first command doesn’t, like so:

> :(){ return 1; };: || echo ignore failure

The command_1 || command_2 operator means to execute command_2 only if command_1 has failed (non-zero exit code). Similarly, the command_1 && command_2 operator means to execute command_2 only if command_1 has succeeded. Try this out using one of scripts you made in the previous session:

> ./ goodbye || echo ignore

What does that give you?

Overriding Exit Codes

It’s not really recommended to ‘hack’ the exit codes like this, but this example is provided so that you are aware of how to do it, if you ever run into this situation. Assume that scripts respect exit codes, until you run into one that does not.

Key Points

  • Exit codes are used to identify if a command or script executed with errors or not

  • Not everyone respects exit codes

Understanding Yet Another Markup Language


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is YAML?

  • Learn about YAML


YAML (Yet Another Markup Language or sometimes popularly referred to as YAML Ain’t Markup Language (a recursive acronym)) is a human-readable data-serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted. CI systems’ modus operandi typically rely on YAML for configuration. We’ll cover, briefly, some of the native types involved and what the structure looks like.

Tabs or Spaces?

We strongly suggest you use spaces for a YAML document. Indentation is done with one or more spaces, however two spaces is the unofficial standard commonly used.


number-value: 42
floating-point-value: 3.141592
boolean-value: true # on, yes -- also work
# strings can be both 'single-quoted` and "double-quoted"
string-value: 'Bonjour'
python-version: "3.10"
unquoted-string: Hello World
hexadecimal: 0x12d4
scientific: 12.3015e+05
infinity: .inf
not-a-number: .NAN
null: ~
another-null: null
key with spaces: value
datetime: 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z
datetime_with_spaces: 2001-12-14 21:59:43.10 -5
date: 2002-12-14

Give your colons some breathing room

Notice that in the above list, all colons have a space afterwards, : . This is important for YAML parsing and is a common mistake.

YAML and trailing floating point zeroes

YAML truncates trailing zeroes from a floating point number, which means that python-version: 3.10 will automatically be converted to python-version: 3.1 (notice 3.1 instead of 3.10). The conversion will lead to unexpected failures as your CI will be running on a version not specified by you. This behavior resulted in several failed jobs after the release of Python 3.10 on CI services. The conversion (and the build failure) can be avoided by converting the floating point numbers to strings - python-version: "3.10".

Lists and Dictionaries

  - Yoda
  - Qui-Gon Jinn
  - Obi-Wan Kenobi
  - Luke Skywalker

  name: Obi-Wan Kenobi
  home-planet: Stewjon
  species: human
  master: Qui-Gon Jinn
  height: 1.82m

List/Dictionary syntax

Just like scalars, list and dictionaries require a space at the - ,: . Notice that there is indentation below the name of the list or the dictionary.

Finally, all elements have to be at the same indentation level for the entire list or dictionary.


Since YAML is a superset of JSON, you can also write JSON-style maps and sequences.

episodes: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
best-jedi: {name: Obi-Wan, side: light}

Multiline Strings

In YAML, there are two different ways to handle multiline strings. This is useful, for example, when you have a long code block that you want to format in a pretty way, but don’t want to impact the functionality of the underlying CI script. In these cases, multiline strings can help. For an interactive demonstration, you can visit

Put simply, you have two operators you can use to determine whether to keep newlines (|, exactly how you wrote it) or to remove newlines (>, fold them in). Similarly, you can also choose whether you want a single newline at the end of the multiline string, multiple newlines at the end (+), or no newlines at the end (-). The below is a summary of some variations:

    - >-
      echo "foo" &&
      echo "bar" &&
      echo "baz"

    - echo "do something else"

    - |
      echo "foo" && \
      echo "bar" && \
      echo "baz"

    - echo "do something else"


  # first item of `requests` list is just a string

  # second item of `requests` list is a dictionary
  - url:
    method: GET


Comments begin with a pound sign (#) and continue for the rest of the line:

# This is a full line comment
foo: bar # this is a comment, too


YAML also has a handy feature called ‘anchors’, which let you easily duplicate content across your document. Anchors look like references & in C/C++ and named anchors can be dereferenced using *.

anchored_content: &anchor_name This string will appear as the value of two keys.
other_anchor: *anchor_name

base: &base
  name: Everyone has same name

foo: &foo
  <<: *base
  age: 10

bar: &bar
  <<: *base
  age: 20

The << allows you to merge the items in a dereferenced anchor. Both bar and foo will have a name key.

Key Points

  • YAML is a plain-text format, similar to JSON, useful for configuration

  • YAML is a superset of JSON, so it contains additional features like comments and anchors, while still supporting JSON.



Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is the GitLab CI specification?

  • Learn where to find more details about everything for the GitLab CI.

  • Understand the structure of the GitLab CI YAML file.


The GitLab CI configurations are specified using a YAML file called .gitlab-ci.yml. Here is an example:

  - build

  stage: build
    - echo "This is the first step of my first job"

This is a minimal example used to introduce the basic structure of a GitLab CI/CD pipeline. The provided YAML configuration sets up a single-stage pipeline with one job named job_1. Let’s break down the key components:

This YAML configuration represents a basic GitLab CI/CD pipeline with one stage (build) and one job (job_1). The job executes a simple script that echoes a message to the console. In more complex scenarios, jobs can include various tasks such as building, testing, and deploying code. Understanding this foundational structure is essential for creating more advanced and customized CI/CD pipelines in GitLab.

script commands

Sometimes, script commands will need to be wrapped in single or double quotes. For example, commands that contain a colon (:) need to be wrapped in quotes so that the YAML parser knows to interpret the whole thing as a string rather than a “key: value” pair. Be careful when using special characters: :, {, }, [, ], ,, &, *, #, ?, |, -, <, >, =, !, %, @, \`.

Overall Structure

Every single parameter we consider for all configurations are keys under jobs. The YAML is structured using job names. For example, we can define three jobs that run in parallel (more on parallel/serial later) with different sets of parameters.

  param1: null
  param2: null

  param1: null
  param3: null

  param2: null
  param4: null
  param5: null

Parallel or Serial Execution?

Note that by default, all jobs you define run in parallel. If you want them to run in serial, or a mix of parallel and serial, or as a directed acyclic graph, we’ll cover this in a later section.

What can you not use as job names? There are a few reserved keywords (because these are used as global parameters for configuration, in addition to being job-specific parameters):

Global parameters mean that you can set parameters at the top-level of the YAML file. What does that actually mean? Here’s another example:

stages: [build, test, deploy]

  stage: build
    - echo "This is the script for the workflow."

  stage: test
    - echo "Commands for the first job - Step 1"
    - echo "Commands for the first job - Step 2"

  stage: test
    - echo "Commands for the second job - Step 1"
    - echo "Commands for the second job - Step 2"


Ok, ok, yes, there are also stages. You can think of it like putting on a show. A pipeline is composed of stages. Stages are composed of jobs. All jobs in a stage perform at the same time, run in parallel. You can only perform on one stage at a time, like in broadway. We’ll cover stages and serial/parallel execution in a later lesson when we add more complexity to our CI/CD.

Additionally, note that all jobs are defined with a default (unnamed) stage unless explicitly specified. Therefore, all jobs you define will run in parallel by default. When you care about execution order (such as building before you test), then we need to consider multiple stages and job dependencies.

Job Parameters

What are some of the parameters that can be used in a job? Rather than copy/pasting from the reference (linked below in this session), we’ll go to the Configuration parameters section in the GitLab docs. The most important parameter, and the only one needed to define a job, is script

job one:
  script: make

job two:
    - python
    - coverage

Understanding the Reference

One will notice that the reference uses colons like :job:image:name to refer to parameter names. This is represented in yaml like:

    name: rikorose/gcc-cmake:gcc-6

where the colon refers to a child key.


The reference guide for all GitLab CI/CD pipeline configurations is found at This contains all the different parameters you can assign to a job.

Key Points

  • You should bookmark the GitLab reference on CI/CD. You’ll visit that page often.

  • A job is defined by a name and a script, at minimum.

  • Other than job names, reserved keywords are the top-level parameters defined in a YAML file.

Coffee break!


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Get up, stretch out, take a short break.

  • Refresh your mind.

Key Points

  • You’ll be back.

  • They’re the jedi of the sea.

Hello CI World


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do I run a simple GitLab CI job?

  • Add CI/CD to your project.

Adding CI/CD to a project

We’ve been working on the analysis code which has a lot of work done, but we should be good physicists (and people) by adding tests and CI/CD. The first thing we’ll do is create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the project.

cd virtual-pipelines-eventselection/
echo "hello world" >> .gitlab-ci.yml
git checkout -b feature/add-ci
git add .gitlab-ci.yml
git commit -m "my first ci/cd"
git push -u origin feature/add-ci

Feature Branches

Since we’re adding a new feature (CI/CD) to our project, we’ll work in a feature branch. This is just a human-friendly named branch to indicate that it’s adding a new feature.

Now, if you navigate to the GitLab webpage for that project and branch, you’ll notice a shiny new button

CI/CD Configuration Button

which will link to the newly added .gitlab-ci.yml. But wait a minute, there’s also a big red x on the page too!

Commit's CI/CD Failure Example

What happened??? Let’s find out. Click on the red x which takes us to the pipelines page for the commit. On this page, we can see that this failed because the YAML was invalid…

CI/CD Failure YAML Invalid

We should fix this. If you click through again on the red x on the left for the pipeline there, you can get to the detailed page for the given pipeline to find out more information

CI/CD Failure YAML Invalid Pipeline page

Validating CI/CD YAML Configuration

Every single project you make on GitLab comes with a linter for the YAML you write. This linter can be found at <project-url>/-/ci/lint. For example, if I have a project at, then the linter is at

This can also be found by going to CI/CD -> Pipelines or CI/CD -> Jobs page and clicking the CI Lint button at the top right.

But what’s a linter?

From wikipedia: lint, or a linter, is a tool that analyzes source code to flag programming errors, bugs, stylistic errors, and suspicious constructs. The term originates from a Unix utility that examined C language source code.

Lastly, we’ll open up a merge request for this branch, since we plan to merge this back into master when we’re happy with the first iteration of the CI/CD.

Work In Progress?

If you expect to be working on a branch for a bit of time while you have a merge request open, it’s good etiquette to mark it as a Work-In-Progress (WIP). Work In Progress

Hello World

Fixing the YAML

Now, our YAML is currently invalid, but this makes sense because we didn’t actually define any script to run. Let’s go ahead and update our first job that simply echoes “Hello World”.

hello world:
  script: echo "Hello World"

Before we commit it, since we’re still new to CI/CD, let’s copy/paste it into the CI linter and make sure it lints correctly

CI/CD Hello World Lint

Looks good! Let’s stage the changes with git add .gitlab-ci.yml, commit it with an appropriate commit message, and push!

Checking Pipeline Status

Now we want to make sure that this worked. How can we check the status of commits or pipelines? The GitLab UI has a couple of ways:

Checking Job’s Output

From any of these pages, click through until you can find the output for the successful job run which should look like the following

CI/CD Hello World Success Output

And that’s it! You’ve successfully run your CI/CD job and you can view the output.

Pipelines and Jobs?

You might have noticed that there are both pipelines and jobs. What’s the difference? Pipelines are the top-level component of continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.

Pipelines comprise:

Multiple jobs in the same stage are executed by Runners in parallel, if there are enough concurrent Runners.

If all the jobs in a stage:

Key Points

  • Adding a .gitlab-ci.yml is the first step to salvation.

  • Pipelines are made of stages, stages are made of jobs.

  • CI Linters are especially useful to check syntax before pushing changes.

Adding CI to Your Existing Code


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • I have code already in GitLab, how can I add CI to it?

  • Learn how to get your CI/CD Runners to build your code

  • Try and see if the CI/CD can catch problems with our code.

Time To Skim

The Naive Attempt

As of right now, your .gitlab-ci.yml should look like

hello world:
   - echo "Hello World"

Let’s go ahead and teach our CI to build our code. Let’s add another job (named build_skim) that runs in parallel for right now, and runs the compiler ROOT uses. This worked for me on my computer, so we should try it:

COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
$COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx

which will produce an output binary called skim.

Adding a new job

How do we change the CI in order to add a new parallel job that compiles our code?


hello world:
   - echo "Hello World"

   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx

CI/CD Two Parallel Jobs

No root-config?

Ok, so maybe we were a little naive here. Let’s start debugging. You got this error when you tried to build

Broken Build

Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/sharmari/virtual-pipelines-eventselection/.git/

Created fresh repository.

Checking out a38a66ae as detached HEAD (ref is master)...

Skipping Git submodules setup

Executing "step_script" stage of the job script 00:00

$ # INFO: Lowering limit of file descriptors for backwards compatibility. ffi: # collapsed multi-line command

$ COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)

/scripts-178677-36000934/step_script: line 152: root-config: command not found

Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01

ERROR: Job failed: command terminated with exit code 1

We have a broken build. What happened?


It turns out we didn’t have ROOT installed. How do we fix it? We need to download and install the miniforge installer. The -b -p options specify a batch mode installation without user interaction, and the installation path is set to $HOME/miniconda. Setup the conda environment and initialize conda. Then install ROOT with conda and verify the installation with a python script.

    - echo "Hello World"
    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init
    - conda install root --yes
    - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
    - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx

Still failed??? What the hell.

What happened?


It turns out we just forgot the include flags needed for compilation. If you look at the log, you’ll see

 $ COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
 $ $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx
 skim.cxx:11:10: fatal error: ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx: No such file or directory
  #include "ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx"
 compilation terminated.
 ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

How do we fix it? We just need to add another variable to add the flags at the end via $FLAGS defined as FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs).

Ok, let’s go ahead and update our .gitlab-ci.yml again. It works!

Building multiple versions

Great, so we finally got it working… CI/CD isn’t obviously powerful when you’re only building one thing. Let’s build the code both with the latest ROOT image and also with a specific ROOT version. Let’s name the two jobs build_skim and build_skim_latest.

Adding the build_skim_latest job

What does the .gitlab-ci.yml look like now?


hello world:
   - echo "Hello World"

   - wget -O ~/
   - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
   - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
   - conda init
   - conda install root=6.28 --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

   - wget -O ~/
   - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
   - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
   - conda init
   - conda install root --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

However, we probably don’t want our CI/CD to crash if one of the jobs fails. So let’s also add :build_skim_latest:allow_failure = true to our job as well. This allows the job to fail without crashing the CI/CD – that is, it’s an acceptable failure. This indicates to us when we do something in the code that might potentially break the latest release; or indicate when our code will not build in a new release.


  script: [....]
  allow_failure: true

Finally, we want to clean up the two jobs a little by separating out the miniconda download into a before_script and initialization since this is actually preparation for setting up our environment – rather than part of the script we want to test! For example,

   - wget -O ~/
   - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
   - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
   - conda init

   - conda install root --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
  allow_failure: yes

Building only on changes?

Sometimes you might find that certain jobs don’t need to be run when unrelated files change. For example, in this example, our job depends only on skim.cxx. While there is no native Makefile-like solution (with targets) for GitLab CI/CD (or CI/CD in general), you can emulate this with the :job:only:changes flag like so

   - wget -O ~/
   - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
   - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
   - conda init
   - conda install root=6.28 --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
      - skim.cxx

and this will build a new version with ./skim only if the skim.cxx file changes. There’s plenty more one can do with this that doesn’t fit in the limited time for the sessions today, so feel free to try it out on your own time.

Key Points

  • Setting up CI/CD shouldn’t be mind-numbing

  • All defined jobs run in parallel by default

  • Jobs can be allowed to fail without breaking your CI/CD

Eins Zwei DRY


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can we make job templates?

  • Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

  • Making reusable/flexible CI/CD jobs

Hidden (keys) Jobs

A fun feature about GitLab’s CI YAML is the ability to disable entire jobs simply by prefixing the job name with a period (.). Naively, we could just comment it out

#hidden job:
#  script:
#    - make

but it’s much easier to simply write

.hidden job:
    - make

Why is this fun? We should be able to combine it with some other nice features of GitLab’s CI YAML to build…

Job Templates

From the previous lesson, our .gitlab-ci.yml looks like

    - echo "Hello World"

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init
    - conda install root=6.28
    - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
    - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
    - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init
    - conda install root
    - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
    - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
    - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
  allow_failure: true

We’ve already started to repeat ourselves. How can we combine the two into a single job template called .template_build? Let’s refactor things a little bit.

Refactoring the code

Can you refactor the above code by adding a hidden job (named .template_build) containing parameters that build_skim and build_skim_version have in common?


    - echo "Hello World"

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init
   - conda install root=6.28 --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init
   - conda install root --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
  allow_failure: true

The idea behind not repeating yourself is to merge multiple (job) definitions together, usually a hidden job and a non-hidden job. This is done through a concept of inheritance. Interestingly enough, GitLab CI/CD also allows for :job:extends as an alternative to using YAML anchors. I tend to prefer this syntax as it appears to be “more readable and slightly more flexible” (according to GitLab - but I argue it’s simply just more readable and has identical functionality!!!).

    - master
    - stable
    - production

    - docker
  image: alpine

    - .only-important
    - .in-docker
    - rake rspec

will become

    - master
    - stable
    - docker
  image: alpine
    - rake rspec

Note how .in-docker overrides :rspec:tags because it’s “closest in scope”.

Anchors Away?

If we use extends to remove duplicate code, what do we get?


    - echo "Hello World"

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init

  extends: .template_build
   - conda install root=6.28 --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
   - conda install root --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
  allow_failure: yes

Look how much cleaner you’ve made the code. You should now see that it’s pretty easy to start adding more build jobs for other versions in a relatively clean way, as you’ve now abstracted the actual building from the definitions.

Key Points

  • Hidden jobs can be used as templates with the extends parameter.

  • Using job templates allows you to stay DRY!

Even more builds


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How can we make variations of our builds?

  • Matrix workflows

  • Making reusable/flexible CI/CD jobs

Parallel and Matrix jobs

Matrices are one of the fundamental concepts of CIs. They allow for flexible workflows that involve building or running scripts with many variations in a few lines. In Gitlab, we need to use the parallel keyword to run a job multiple times in parallel in a single pipeline.

This example creates 5 jobs that run in parallel, named test 1/5 to test 5/5.

  script: echo "multiple jobs"
  parallel: 5

Parallel jobs running

A pipeline with jobs that use parallel might:


It’s not really useful to simply repeat the same exact job, it is far more useful if each job can be different. Use parallel:matrix to run a job multiple times in parallel in a single pipeline, but with different variable values for each instance of the job. Some conditions on the possible inputs are:

In order to make use of parallel:matrix let’s give a list of dictionaries that simulate a build running on Windows, Linux or MacOS.


    - echo "My $my_os build"
      - my_os: [Windows,Linux,MacOS]

Parallel OS builds

We can create multiple versions of the build by giving more options. Let’s add a version and give it a list of 2 numbers.


    - echo "My $my_os build"
      - my_os: [Windows,Linux,MacOS]
        version: ["12.0","14.2"]

Parallel OS with versions

If you want to specify different OS and version pairs you can do that as well.

    - echo "My $my_os build"
      - my_os: Windows
        version: ["10","11"]
      - my_os: Linux
        version: "Ubuntu-22.04LTS"
      - my_os: MacOS
        version: ["Sonoma","Ventura"]

Specified OS and version pairs


You might have noticed that we use $my_os in the script above. If we take a look at one of the logs it shows that we have obtained the following output

Executing "step_script" stage of the job script 00:00
$ # INFO: Lowering limit of file descriptors for backwards compatibility. ffi: # collapsed multi-line command
$ echo "My $my_os build"
My MacOS build
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:01
Job succeeded

What this means is that we can access the values from the variable my_os and do something with it! This is very handy as you will see. Not only can we access values from the yml but we can create global variables that remain constant for the entire process.


  global_var: "My global variable"

    my_local_var: "My local World"
    - echo "Hello $my_var"
    - echo "Hello $global_var"
    - echo "My $my_os build version $version"
      - my_os: Windows
        version: ["10","11"]
      - my_os: Linux
        version: "Ubuntu-22.04LTS"
      - my_os: MacOS
        version: ["Sonoma","Ventura"]

Mix it all up and write less code!

Let’s now mix the usage of parallel jobs and the the fact that we can exctrat values from variables we defined. Let’s try implementing this with the config file we’ve been developing so far.

Remember what we have so far

    - echo "Hello World"

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init

  extends: .template_build
   - conda install root=6.28 --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
   - conda install root --yes
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
  allow_failure: yes

Now let’s apply what we learned to refactor and reduce the code all into a single job named multi_build.

    - echo "Hello World"

    - wget -O ~/
    - bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
    - eval "$(~/miniconda/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
    - conda init
    - conda install $ROOT_VERS --yes
    - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
    - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
    - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
      - ROOT_VERS: ["root=6.28","root"]


  1. We have only defined a ROOT_VERS list and we use this in the before_script section to setup the intalation of ROOT. After testing it we can see that this works and we’ve been able to reduce the amount of text a lot more.
  2. We have dropped the allow_failure: yes for now because we’re feeling confident.
  3. We have factored out the before_script and the script into our .build_template.

Key Points

  • Matrices can help make many builds with variations

  • Use Variables whenever it’s convenient

Building with Images


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • Can we use docker images to ease our setup?

  • Use docker images

  • Making reusable/flexible CI/CD jobs

Say “Docker” 🐳

While we won’t be going into detail about containers (for that check our Docker lesson), we’ve been using them all this time with Gitlab. Gitlab runners are working within a barebones virtual environment that runs Linux, and is itself an image.

Naturally, we can leverage the fact that Gitlab runners can run Docker to further simplify setting up the working environment. This is done using the image keyword. The input for image is the name of the image, including the registry path if needed, in one of these formats:

Here’s an example:

  image: $IMAGE
    - python3 --version
      - IMAGE: "python:3.7-buster"
      - IMAGE: "python:3.8-buster"
      - IMAGE: "python:3.9-buster"
      - IMAGE: "python:3.10-buster"
      - IMAGE: "python:3.11-buster"
#   You could also do
# - IMAGE: ["python:3.7-buster","python:3.8-buster","python:3.9-buster","python:3.10-buster","python:3.11-buster"]

Back to our CI file

Go to the ROOT docker hub page and choose a version any version you wish to try.

Let’s add image: $ROOT_IMAGE because we can still use parallel:matrix: to make various builds easily. Since we’re going to use a docker image to have a working version of ROOT, we can omit the lines that install and set up conda and ROOT. Again, taking the yml file we’ve been working on, we can further reduce the text using Docker images as follows.

    - echo "Hello World"

    - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
    - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
    - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]


We used the latest docker image and an ubuntu image in this particular example but the script remains the same regardless if you wish to use the conda build or an ubuntu build of ROOT.

Make sure your image works with the CI, not all images listed in the rootproject’s docker hub work 100% of the time.

Key Points

  • We can shorten a lot of the setup with Docker images

Coffee break!


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Get up, stretch out, take a short break.

  • Refresh your mind.

Key Points

  • Stupid mistakes happen, but telling a computer to do what you mean versus what you say is hard

All the World's a Stage


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How do you make some jobs run after other jobs?

  • Make multiple stages and run some jobs in serial.

Defining Stages

From the last session, we’re starting with

    - echo "Hello World"

    - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
    - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
    - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

We’re going to talk about another global parameter :stages (and the associated per-job parameter :job:stage. Stages allow us to group up parallel jobs with each group running after the other in the order you define. What have our jobs looked like so far in the pipelines we’ve been running?

CI/CD Default Stages in Pipeline

Default Stage

You’ll note that the default stage is test. Of course, for CI/CD, this is likely the most obvious choice.

Stages allow us to categorize jobs by functionality, such as build, or test, or deploy – with job names being the next level of specification such as test_cpp, build_current, build_latest, or deploy_pages. Remember that two jobs cannot have the same name (globally), no matter what stage they’re in. Like the other global parameter variables, we keep stages towards the top of our .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Adding Stages

Let’s add stages to your code. We will define two stages for now: greeting and build. Don’t forget to assign those stages to the appropriate jobs.


  - greeting
  - build

hello world:
  stage: greeting
   - echo "Hello World"

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

If you do it correctly, you should see a pipeline graph with two stages

CI/CD Pipeline Two Stages

Now all jobs in greeting run first, before all jobs in build (as this is the order we’ve defined our stages). All jobs within a given stage run in parallel as well.

That’s it. There’s nothing more to stages apart from that! In fact, everything in terms of parallel/serial as well as job dependencies only make sense in the context of having multiple stages. In all the previous sessions, you’ve just been using the default test stage for all jobs; the jobs all ran in parallel.

Further Reading

Key Points

  • Stages allow for a mix of parallel/serial execution.

  • Stages help define job dependencies.

A Skimmer Higgs


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I run my skimming code in the GitLab CI/CD?

  • Learn how to skim code and set up artifacts.

The First Naive Attempt

Let’s just attempt to try and get the code working as it is. Since it worked for us already locally, surely the CI/CD must be able to run it??? As a reminder of what we’ve ended with from the last session:

  - greeting
  - build

hello world:
  stage: greeting
   - echo "Hello World"

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

So we need to do two things:

  1. add a run stage
  2. add a skim_ggH job to this stage

Let’s go ahead and do that, so we now have three stages

  - greeting
  - build
  - run

and we just need to figure out how to define a run job. Since the skim binary is built, just see if we can run skim. Seems too easy to be true?

  stage: run
    - ./skim
 $ ./skim
 /scripts-178677-36237303/step_script: line 154: ./skim: No such file or directory

We’re too naive

Ok, fine. That was way too easy. It seems we have a few issues to deal with.

  1. The code in the multi_build jobs (of the build stage) isn’t in the skim_ggH job by default. We need to use GitLab artifacts to copy over this from the one of the jobs (let’s choose as an example the multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04] job).
  2. The data (ROOT file) isn’t available to the Runner yet.


artifacts is used to specify a list of files and directories which should be attached to the job when it succeeds, fails, or always. The artifacts will be sent to GitLab after the job finishes and will be available for download in the GitLab UI.

More Reading

Default Behavior

Artifacts from all previous stages are passed in by default.

Artifacts are the way to transfer files between jobs of different stages. In order to take advantage of this, one combines artifacts with dependencies.

Using Dependencies

To use this feature, define dependencies in context of the job and pass a list of all previous jobs from which the artifacts should be downloaded. You can only define jobs from stages that are executed before the current one. An error will be shown if you define jobs from the current stage or next ones. Defining an empty array will skip downloading any artifacts for that job. The status of the previous job is not considered when using dependencies, so if it failed or it is a manual job that was not run, no error occurs.

Don’t want to use dependencies?

Adding dependencies: [] will prevent downloading any artifacts into that job. Useful if you want to speed up jobs that don’t need the artifacts from previous stages!

Ok, so what can we define with artifacts?

Since the build artifacts don’t need to exist for more than a day, let’s add artifacts to our jobs in build that expire_in = 1 day.

Adding Artifacts

Let’s add artifacts to our jobs to save the skim binary. We’ll also make sure the skim_ggH job has the right dependencies as well. In this case the job multi_build is actually running two parallel jobs: one for the ROOT version 6.28 and the other for the latest version of ROOT. So we have to make sure we specify the right dependency as "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]".


  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
      - skim
    expire_in: 1 day
  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]"
    - ./skim

Ok, it looks like the CI failed because it couldn’t find the shared libraries. We should make sure we use the same image to build the skim as we use to run the skim.

Set The Right Image

Update the skim_ggH job to use the same image as the multi_build job.


  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]"
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - ./skim

Getting Data

So now we’ve dealt with the first problem of getting the built code available to the skim_ggH job via artifacts and dependencies. Now we need to think about how to get the data in. We could:

Anyway, there’s lots of options. For large (ROOT) files, it’s usually preferable to either

The xrdcp option is going to be much easier to deal with in the long run, especially as the data file is on eos.

Updating the CI to point to the data file

Now, the data file we’re going to use via xrdcp is in a public eos space: /eos/root-eos/HiggsTauTauReduced/. Depending on which top-level eos space we’re located in, we have to use different xrootd servers to access files:

Note: the other eos spaces are NOT public

What files are in here?

By now, you should get the idea of how to explore eos spaces.

$ xrdfs ls /eos/root-eos/HiggsTauTauReduced/

Nicely enough, TFile::Open takes in, not only local paths (file://), but xrootd paths (root://) paths as well (also HTTP and others, but we won’t cover that). Since we’ve modified the code we can now pass in files:

  - ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1

# or (if you don't have CERN accounts)

  - ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1

Get the output as an artifact

Finally, let’s retrieve the output as an artifact and have it expire in 1 week. (Remember that the output of this script is skim_ggH.root)

  script: [...]

      - skim_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

How many events to run over?

For CI jobs, we want things to run fast and have fast turnaround time. More especially since everyone at CERN shares a pool of runners for most CI jobs, so we should be courteous about the run time of our CI jobs. I generally suggest running over just enough events for you to be able to test what you want to test - whether cutflow or weights.

Let’s go ahead and commit those changes and see if the run job succeeded or not.

$ ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
>>> Process input: root://
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied
Warning in <TTreeReader::SetEntryBase()>: There was an issue opening the last file associated to the TChain being processed.
Number of events: 0
Cross-section: 19.6
Integrated luminosity: 11467
Global scaling: 0.1
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  GetBranchNames: error in opening the tree Events
/bin/bash: line 87:    13 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Sigh. Another one. Ok, fine, you know what? Let’s just deal with this in the next session, ok?

Key Points

  • Making jobs aware of each other is pretty easy.

  • Artifacts are pretty neat.

  • We’re too naive.

Getting into the Spy Game (Optional)


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I give my GitLab CI job private information?

  • Add custom environment variables

  • Learn how to give your CI/CD Runners access to private information

Note that you need to follow the steps in this chapter only if you are trying to use the file in CERN restricted space. If you used the file in public space you can skip to the next chapter.

So we’re nearly done with getting the merge request for the CI/CD up and running but we need to deal with this error:

$ ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
>>> Process input: root://
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied
Warning in <TTreeReader::SetEntryBase()>: There was an issue opening the last file associated to the TChain being processed.
Number of events: 0
Cross-section: 19.6
Integrated luminosity: 11467
Global scaling: 0.1
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  GetBranchNames: error in opening the tree Events
/bin/bash: line 87:    13 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Access Control

So we need to give our CI/CD access to our data. This is actually a good thing. It means CMS can’t just grab it! Anyhow, this is pretty much done by executing printf $SERVICE_PASS | base64 -d | kinit $CERN_USER assuming that we’ve set the corresponding environment variables by safely encoding them (printf "hunter42" | base64).

Running examples with variables

Sometimes you’ll run into a code example here that you might want to run locally but relies on variables you might not have set? Sure, simply do the following

SERVICE_PASS=hunter42 CERN_USER=GoodWill printf $SERVICE_PASS | base64 -d | kinit $CERN_USER

Base-64 encoding?

Sometimes you have a string that contains certain characters that would be interpreted incorrectly by GitLab’s CI system. In order to protect against that, you can safely base-64 encode the string, store it, and then decode it as part of the CI job. This is entirely safe and recommended.

Service Account or Not?

When you’re dealing with a personal repository (project) that nobody else has administrative access to, e.g. the settings, then it’s ok to use your CERN account/password in the environment variables for the settings…

However, when you’re sharing or part of a group, it is much better to use a group’s service account or a user’s (maybe yours) service account for authentication instead. For today’s lesson however, we’ll be using your account and show pictures of how to set these environment variables.

How to make a service account?

Go to CERN Account Management -> Create New Account and click on the Service button, then click Next and follow the steps.


There are two kinds of environment variables:

Additionally, you can specify that the variable is a file type which is useful for passing in private keys to the CI/CD Runners. Variables can be added globally or per-job using the variables parameter.

Predefined Variables

There are quite a lot of predefined variables. We won’t cover these in depth but link for reference as they’re well-documented in the GitLab docs.

Custom Variables

Let’s go ahead and add some custom variables to fix up our access control.

  1. Navigate to the Settings -> CI/CD of your repository CI/CD Repo Settings
  2. Expand the Variables section on this page by clicking Expand CI/CD Variables Click Expand
  3. Specify two environment variables, SERVICE_PASS and CERN_USER, and fill them in appropriately. (If possible, mask the password).


  • This means that we should add our CERN_USER and our SERVICE_PASS to the Gitlab Variables under the CI/CD section of the setting tab.
  • If your password is hunter42 then do
    printf "hunter42" | base64
    aHVudGVyNDI= # copy this as your SERVICE_PASS

CI/CD Variables Specified

  1. Click to save the variables.



Adding kinit for access control

Now it’s time to update your CI/CD to use the environment variables you defined by adding printf $SERVICE_PASS | base64 -d | kinit $CERN_USER@CERN.CH as part of the before_script to the skim_ggH job as that’s the job that requires access.

At this point it’s also important to note that we will need a root container which has kerberos tools installed. So just for this exercise we will switch to another docker image, root:6.26.10-conda, which has those tools. In the rest of the chapters we use examples with files in public space, so you won’t need kerberos tools.

Adding Artifacts on Success

As it seems like we have a complete CI/CD that does physics - we should see what came out. We just need to add artifacts for the skim_ggH job. This is left as an exercise to you.

Adding Artifacts

Let’s add artifacts to our skim_ggH job to save the skim_ggH.root file. Let’s have the artifacts expire in a week instead.


- greeting
- build
- run

hello world:
  stage: greeting
    - echo "Hello World"

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
     - skim
    expire_in: 1 day

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.26.10-conda","rootproject/root:latest"]

  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.26.10-conda]"
  image: rootproject/root:6.26.10-conda
    - printf $SERVICE_PASS | base64 -d | kinit $CERN_USER@CERN.CH
    - ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
      - skim_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

And this allows us to download artifacts from the successfully run job.

CI/CD Artifacts Download

or if you click through to a skim_ggH job, you can browse the artifacts

CI/CD Artifacts Browse

which should just be the skim_ggH.root file you just made.

Further Reading

Key Points

  • Service accounts provide an extra layer of security between the outside world and your account

  • Environment variables in GitLab CI/CD allow you to hide protected information from others who can see your code

Making Plots to Take Over The World


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How do we make plots?

  • Use everything you learned to make plots!

On Your Own

So in order to make plots, we just need to take the skimmed file skim_ggH.root and pass it through the code that exists. This can be run with the following code

python skim_ggH.root ggH hist_ggH.root

This needs to be added to your .gitlab-ci.yml which should look like the following:

  - greeting
  - build
  - run

hello world:
  stage: greeting
   - echo "Hello World"

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
      - skim
    expire_in: 1 day

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]"
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
      - skim_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

Adding Artifacts

So we need to do a few things:

  1. add a plot stage
  2. add a plot_ggH job
  3. save the output hist_ggH.root as an artifact (expires in 1 week)

You know what? While you’re at it, why not delete the greeting stage and hello_world job too? There’s no need for it anymore 🙂.


  - build
  - run
  - plot
  stage: plot
    - skim_ggH
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - python skim_ggH.root ggH hist_ggH.root
      - hist_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

Once we’re done, we should probably start thinking about how to test some of these outputs we’ve made. We now have a skimmed ggH ROOT file and a file of histograms of the skimmed ggH.

Are we testing anything?

Integration testing is actually testing that the scripts we have still run. So we are constantly testing as we go here which is nice. Additionally, there’s also continuous deployment because we’ve been making artifacts that are passed to other jobs. There are many ways to deploy the results of the code base, such as pushing to a web server, or putting files on EOS from the CI jobs, and so on. Artifacts are one way to deploy.

Key Points

  • Another script, another job, another stage, another artifact.

Let's Actually Make A Test (For Real)


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 20 min
  • I’m out of questions.

  • I’ve been here too long. Mr. Stark, I don’t feel too good.

  • Actually add a test on the output of running physics

So at this point, I’m going to be very hands-off, and just explain what you will be doing. Here’s where you should be starting from:

  - build
  - run
  - plot

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
      - skim
    expire_in: 1 day

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

  stage: run
    - build_skim
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
      - skim_ggH.root
      - skim_ggH.log
    expire_in: 1 week

  stage: plot
    - skim_ggH
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - python skim_ggH.root ggH hist_ggH.root
      - hist_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

Adding a regression test

  1. Add a test stage after the plot stage.
  2. Add a test job, test_ggH, part of the test stage, and has the right dependencies
    • Note: ./skim needs to be updated to produce a skim_ggH.log (hint: ./skim .... > skim_ggH.log)
    • We also need the hist_ggH.root file produced by the plot job
  3. Create a directory called tests/ and make two python files in it named and that uses PyROOT and python3
    • you might find the following lines (below) helpful to set up the tests
  4. Write a few different tests of your choosing that tests (and asserts) something about hist_ggH.root. Some ideas are:
    • check the structure (does ggH_pt_1 exist?)
    • check that the integral of a histogram matches a value you expect
    • check that the bins of a histogram matches the values you expect
  5. Update your test_ggH job to execute the regression tests
  6. Try causing your CI/CD to fail on the test_ggH job


Once you’re happy with setting up the regression test, mark your merge request as ready by clicking the Resolve WIP Status button, and then merge it in to master.

Template for

import sys

logfile = open('skim_ggH.log', 'r')
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in logfile]

required_lines = [
   'Number of events: 47696',
   'Cross-section: 19.6',
   'Integrated luminosity: 11467',
   'Global scaling: 0.1',
   'Passes trigger: pass=3402       all=47696      -- eff=7.13 % cumulative eff=7.13 %',
   'nMuon > 0 : pass=3402       all=3402       -- eff=100.00 % cumulative eff=7.13 %',
   'nTau > 0  : pass=3401       all=3402       -- eff=99.97 % cumulative eff=7.13 %',
   'Event has good taus: pass=846        all=3401       -- eff=24.88 % cumulative eff=1.77 %',
   'Event has good muons: pass=813        all=846        -- eff=96.10 % cumulative eff=1.70 %',
   'Valid muon in selected pair: pass=813        all=813        -- eff=100.00 % cumulative eff=1.70 %',
   'Valid tau in selected pair: pass=813        all=813        -- eff=100.00 % cumulative eff=1.70 %',

for required_line in required_lines:
    if not required_line in lines:
        print(f'Did not find line in log file. {required_line}')

Template for

import sys
import ROOT

f = ROOT.TFile.Open('hist_ggH.root')
keys = [k.GetName() for k in f.GetListOfKeys()]

required_keys = ['ggH_pt_1', 'ggH_pt_2']

for required_key in required_keys:
    if not required_key in keys:
        print(f'Required key not found. {required_key}')

integral = f.ggH_pt_1.Integral()
if abs(integral - 222.88716647028923) > 0.0001:
    print(f'Integral of ggH_pt_1 is different: {integral}')

Key Points

  • This kind of test is a regression test, as we’re testing assuming the code up to this point was correct.

  • This is not a unit test. Unit tests would be testing individual pieces of the atlas/athena or CMSSW code-base, or specific functionality you wrote into your algorithms.



Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • If you have any, ask on mattermost!

  • Add more testing, perhaps to statistics.

Like the last section, I will simply explain what you need to do. After the previous section, you should have the following in .gitlab-ci.yml:

  - build
  - run
  - plot
  - test

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
      - skim
    expire_in: 1 day

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]"
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - ./skim root:// skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1 > skim_ggH.log
      - skim_ggH.root
      - skim_ggH.log
    expire_in: 1 week

  stage: plot
    - skim_ggH
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - python skim_ggH.root ggH hist_ggH.root
      - hist_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

  stage: test
    - skim_ggH
    - plot_ggH
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - python tests/
    - python tests/

In your virtual-pipelines-eventselection repository, you need to:

  1. Add more tests for physics
  2. Go wild!

Key Points

  • Use everything you’ve learned to write your own CI/CD!