A Skimmer Higgs


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • How can I run my skimming code in the GitLab CI/CD?

  • Learn how to skim code and set up artifacts.

The First Naive Attempt

Let’s just attempt to try and get the code working as it is. Since it worked for us already locally, surely the CI/CD must be able to run it??? As a reminder of what we’ve ended with from the last session:

  - greeting
  - build

hello world:
  stage: greeting
   - echo "Hello World"

  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS

  extends: .template_build
  image: $ROOT_IMAGE
      - ROOT_IMAGE: ["rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04","rootproject/root:latest"]

So we need to do two things:

  1. add a run stage
  2. add a skim_ggH job to this stage

Let’s go ahead and do that, so we now have three stages

  - greeting
  - build
  - run

and we just need to figure out how to define a run job. Since the skim binary is built, just see if we can run skim. Seems too easy to be true?

  stage: run
    - ./skim
 $ ./skim
 /scripts-178677-36237303/step_script: line 154: ./skim: No such file or directory

We’re too naive

Ok, fine. That was way too easy. It seems we have a few issues to deal with.

  1. The code in the multi_build jobs (of the build stage) isn’t in the skim_ggH job by default. We need to use GitLab artifacts to copy over this from the one of the jobs (let’s choose as an example the multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04] job).
  2. The data (ROOT file) isn’t available to the Runner yet.


artifacts is used to specify a list of files and directories which should be attached to the job when it succeeds, fails, or always. The artifacts will be sent to GitLab after the job finishes and will be available for download in the GitLab UI.

More Reading

Default Behavior

Artifacts from all previous stages are passed in by default.

Artifacts are the way to transfer files between jobs of different stages. In order to take advantage of this, one combines artifacts with dependencies.

Using Dependencies

To use this feature, define dependencies in context of the job and pass a list of all previous jobs from which the artifacts should be downloaded. You can only define jobs from stages that are executed before the current one. An error will be shown if you define jobs from the current stage or next ones. Defining an empty array will skip downloading any artifacts for that job. The status of the previous job is not considered when using dependencies, so if it failed or it is a manual job that was not run, no error occurs.

Don’t want to use dependencies?

Adding dependencies: [] will prevent downloading any artifacts into that job. Useful if you want to speed up jobs that don’t need the artifacts from previous stages!

Ok, so what can we define with artifacts?

Since the build artifacts don’t need to exist for more than a day, let’s add artifacts to our jobs in build that expire_in = 1 day.

Adding Artifacts

Let’s add artifacts to our jobs to save the skim binary. We’ll also make sure the skim_ggH job has the right dependencies as well. In this case the job multi_build is actually running two parallel jobs: one for the ROOT version 6.28 and the other for the latest version of ROOT. So we have to make sure we specify the right dependency as "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]".


  stage: build
   - COMPILER=$(root-config --cxx)
   - FLAGS=$(root-config --cflags --libs)
   - $COMPILER -g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -o skim skim.cxx $FLAGS
      - skim
    expire_in: 1 day
  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]"
    - ./skim

Ok, it looks like the CI failed because it couldn’t find the shared libraries. We should make sure we use the same image to build the skim as we use to run the skim.

Set The Right Image

Update the skim_ggH job to use the same image as the multi_build job.


  stage: run
    - "multi_build: [rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04]"
  image: rootproject/root:6.28.10-ubuntu22.04
    - ./skim

Getting Data

So now we’ve dealt with the first problem of getting the built code available to the skim_ggH job via artifacts and dependencies. Now we need to think about how to get the data in. We could:

Anyway, there’s lots of options. For large (ROOT) files, it’s usually preferable to either

The xrdcp option is going to be much easier to deal with in the long run, especially as the data file is on eos.

Updating the CI to point to the data file

Now, the data file we’re going to use via xrdcp is in a public eos space: /eos/root-eos/HiggsTauTauReduced/. Depending on which top-level eos space we’re located in, we have to use different xrootd servers to access files:

Note: the other eos spaces are NOT public

What files are in here?

By now, you should get the idea of how to explore eos spaces.

$ xrdfs eospublic.cern.ch ls /eos/root-eos/HiggsTauTauReduced/

Nicely enough, TFile::Open takes in, not only local paths (file://), but xrootd paths (root://) paths as well (also HTTP and others, but we won’t cover that). Since we’ve modified the code we can now pass in files:

  - ./skim root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/g/gstark/AwesomeWorkshopFeb2020/GluGluToHToTauTau.root skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1

# or (if you don't have CERN accounts)

  - ./skim root://eospublic.cern.ch//eos/root-eos/HiggsTauTauReduced/GluGluToHToTauTau.root skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1

Get the output as an artifact

Finally, let’s retrieve the output as an artifact and have it expire in 1 week. (Remember that the output of this script is skim_ggH.root)

  script: [...]

      - skim_ggH.root
    expire_in: 1 week

How many events to run over?

For CI jobs, we want things to run fast and have fast turnaround time. More especially since everyone at CERN shares a pool of runners for most CI jobs, so we should be courteous about the run time of our CI jobs. I generally suggest running over just enough events for you to be able to test what you want to test - whether cutflow or weights.

Let’s go ahead and commit those changes and see if the run job succeeded or not.

$ ./skim root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/g/gstark/AwesomeWorkshopFeb2020/GluGluToHToTauTau.root skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
>>> Process input: root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/g/gstark/AwesomeWorkshopFeb2020/GluGluToHToTauTau.root
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied
Warning in <TTreeReader::SetEntryBase()>: There was an issue opening the last file associated to the TChain being processed.
Number of events: 0
Cross-section: 19.6
Integrated luminosity: 11467
Global scaling: 0.1
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3010] Unable to give access - user access restricted - unauthorized identity used ; Permission denied
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  GetBranchNames: error in opening the tree Events
/bin/bash: line 87:    13 Aborted                 (core dumped) ./skim root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/g/gstark/AwesomeWorkshopFeb2020/GluGluToHToTauTau.root skim_ggH.root 19.6 11467.0 0.1
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Sigh. Another one. Ok, fine, you know what? Let’s just deal with this in the next session, ok?

Key Points

  • Making jobs aware of each other is pretty easy.

  • Artifacts are pretty neat.

  • We’re too naive.