
Functions, or methods if they are associated with a class, take some input and return some output.

They are the equivalent of a mathematical function \(f(x) = y\), where the function f takes zero or more aruments and returns zero or more values. The best way to think about a function is that it is executed and replaced by the return value, like a mathematical function. f is a function, x are values. f(x) is not a function anymore and isn’t x either, it’s whatever y is, the return value. Like mathematical functions, you could “copy-paste” the code-block of the function in the place (technically).

We have already used lots of functions, like len, abs and print as well as methods like append from list, get from dict or replace from str. In this lesson we will start creating our own.

As we have seen, methods can do a lot of stuff with very little typing. Methods are normally used to encapsulate small pieces of code that we want to reuse.

Let’s rewrite len as an example.

def length(obj):
    """Return the number of elements in `obj`.
        obj (iterable): Object the length will be calculated from.
        int: number of elements in `obj`.
    i = 0
    for _ in obj:
        i += 1
    return i
<function __main__.length(obj)>
Help on function length in module __main__:

    Return the number of elements in `obj`.
        obj (iterable): Object the length will be calculated from.
        int: number of elements in `obj`.

or viewing the docs view in your preferred editor.

length('A b c!')

There’s a lot going on here, so we will break it down line-by-line.

  1. def length(obj): methods are defined using def, followed by a space, and then the name you want to give the method. Inside the parentheses after the name, we list the inputs, or arguments, that we want our method to accept. In this case, we only need a single input: the thing we want to compute the length of. Finally, there’s a colon at the end, just like with a for or if, which means a block of code follows (which must be indented). Names are conventionally in lowercase, with underscores separating words - snakecase.

  2. """Return the number of elements in obj.""": This is the docstring. It’s just a documentation string, defined literally with three double quotes so that we can include linebreaks. By placing a string here, Python makes the string available to use when we pass our function to help and in a lot of other places like docs viewer of a decent editor or even allows to automatically generate documents including HTML with the docs. Documenting your functions is a very good idea! It makes it clear to others, and to future-you, what the method is supposed to do. The formatting of docstrings is standardized (there are 2-3 different ones). As for code style, do not invent your own but make it easier for everyone (including your future self).

  3. The method block. This is the code that will run whenever you call your method, like length([1]). The code in the block has access to the arguments and to any variables defined before the method definition.

Remark: there are comments (with #) and docstrings. Both serve a very different purpose

  • comments # are for people who read the code. Other developers that don’t want to just use your function but change it. They can be short and serve the purpose to make the code more readable. Typical example: adding a comment on a - 1 or + 1 added somewhere, such as len(x) - 1  # we don't need the border. If a block of code implements a hard to read algorithm, it is also appropriate to use several # lines to explain beforehand what is going to happen. Never use tripple quotes """ to make a large comment! Use always #, any decent editor is able to (un)comment several lines at once. (usually ctrl + /)

  • Docstrings are for users. If someone imports your function, the docstrings tells how to use it and what it does exactly. It does, however, not contain any (unnecessary) information about the implementation. It’s for someone who will not read the source code. Example are functions that we used, like len: we never looked at the source code, but the help(len) gave us all the information that we needed to use it.

x = 1
def top_function():
   """Do something silly."""
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 1
----> 1 top_function()

Cell In[7], line 4, in top_function()
      2 """Do something silly."""
      3 print(x)
----> 4 print(y)

NameError: name 'y' is not defined
y = 2

In general, you should try to minimise the number of variables outside your method that you use inside. It makes figuring out what the method does much harder, as you have to look elsewhere in the code to find things out.

  1. return i: This defines the output of the method, the thing that you get back when you call the method. You don’t have to return anything, in which case Python will implicitly make your function return None, or you can return multiple things at once.

def no_return():
    1 + 1
no_return() is None
def such_output():
    return 'wow', 'much clever', 213  # equivalent to (return 'wow', 'much clever', 213)

You can see that returning multiple things implicitly means returning a tuple, so we can choose to assign one variable per value while calling the method.

Help on built-in function len in module builtins:

len(obj, /)
    Return the number of items in a container.

def add(x, y):
   """Return the sum of x and y."""
   return x + y
add(1, 2)
add(x=1, y=2)
add(1, y=2)
add(y=2, x=1)
add(y=2, 1)
  Cell In[21], line 1
    add(y=2, 1)
SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument

Specifying the argument’s name explicitly when calling a method is nice because it reminds you what the argument is supposed to do. It also means you don’t have to remember the order in which the arguments were defined, you can specify keyword arguments in any order. You can even mix positional arguments with keyword arguments, but any keyword arguments must come last. The rule is simply: is it unambigious? You can do it. Otherwise, it’s not allowed.

Using keyword arguments is particularly useful for arguments which act as on/off flags, because it’s often not obvious what your True or False is doing.

def add(x, y, show):
   """Return the sum of x and y.
   Optionally print the result before returning it.
   if show:
       print(x + y)
   return x + y
_ = add(1, 2, True) # Hmm, what is True doing again?
_ = add(1, 2, show=True) # Aha! Much clearer

remark on ``_``: the character ``_`` is just a variable like any other. By convention, this is used in places where there is a return value but it signals, that it is deliberately ignored, as it won’t be used. Contrary, just calling ``add(…)`` without the assignement is a “code smell”: a possible bug, because why would someone call it and not use it’s value?

Always having to specify that flag is annoying. It would be much nicer if show had a default value, so that we don’t have to provide a value when calling the method, but can optionally override it.

def add(x, y, show=False):
   """Return the sum of x and y.
   Optionally print the result before returning it.
   if show:
       print(x + y)
   return x + y
_ = add(1, 2) # No printing!
_ = add(1, 2, show=True)


Of course, function arguments can be anything, even other functions!

def run_method(method, x):
    """Call `method` with `x`."""
    return method(x)
run_method(len, [1, 2, 3])

Exercise Methods returning methods

What does this method do? Think about it, what exactly happens. Be precise, discuss with your neighbours.

def make_incrementor(increment):
    def func(var):
        return var + increment
    return func


It returns a function whose increment value has been filled by the argument to make_incrementor. If we called make_incrementor(3), then increment has the value 3, and we can fill in the returned method in our heads.

def func(var):
    return var + 3

So when we call this method, we’ll get back what we put in, but plus 3.

increment_one = make_incrementor(1)
increment_two = make_incrementor(2)
print(increment_one(42), increment_two(42))
43 44
print(make_incrementor(3)(42)) # Do it in one go!

*args and **kwargs

This is a brief introduction, for a more detailed explanation on the packing and unpacking of arguments, see here

What if you like to accept an arbitrary number of arguments? For example, we can also write a total method that takes two arguments.

def total(x, y):
    """Return the sum of the arguments."""
    return x + y

But what if we want to allow the caller to pass more than two arguments? It would be tedious to define many arguments explicitly.

def total(*args):
    """Return the sum of the arguments."""
    # For seeing what `*` does
    print(f'Got {len(args)} arguments: {args}')
    return sum(args)
Got 1 arguments: (1,)
total(1, 2)
Got 2 arguments: (1, 2)
total(1, 2, 3)
Got 3 arguments: (1, 2, 3)

The *args syntax says “stuff any arguments into a tuple and call it args”. This let’s us capture any number of arguments. As args is a tuple, one could loop over it, access a specific element, and so on.

remark: ``args``, like ``_``, is just a name that by convention is used in this way, but has no special function

We can also expand lists into separate arguments with the same syntax when calling a method.

def reverse_args(x, y):
    return y, x
l = ['a', 'b']
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[43], line 1
----> 1 reverse_args(l)

TypeError: reverse_args() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'
('b', 'a')

A similar syntax exists for keyword arguments.

def ages(**people):
    """Print people's information."""
    # For seeing what `**` does
    print(f'Got {len(people)} arguments: {people}')
    for person in people:
        print(f'Person {person} is {people[person]}')
Got 1 arguments: {'steve': 31}
Person steve is 31
ages(steve=31, helen=70, zorblax=9963)
Got 3 arguments: {'steve': 31, 'helen': 70, 'zorblax': 9963}
Person steve is 31
Person helen is 70
Person zorblax is 9963

As you can see from the debug print statement, **people is a dictionary containing the keyword arguments we passed to the ages method. The keys of the dictionary are the names of the argument as strings, and the values are the values of the arguments. Just like for the * syntax, ** can also be used to expand a dictionary into keyword arguments.

data = {'thor': 5000, 'yoda': -1}
Got 2 arguments: {'thor': 5000, 'yoda': -1}
Person thor is 5000
Person yoda is -1

The order of the keyword arguments used to call the method are not necessarily the same as those that the function block sees! This is because dictionaries are unordered, and the ** syntax effectively creates a dictionary.

Exercise The most generic method

The most generic method would take any number of positional arguments and any number of keyword arguments. What would this method look like?

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It would use both * and ** syntax in defining the arguments.

def generic(*args, **kwargs):
    print(f'Got args: {args}')
    print(f'Got kwargs: {kwargs}')
data = {'bing': 'baz'}
generic(1, 2, 'abc', foo='bar', **data)
Got args: (1, 2, 'abc')
Got kwargs: {'foo': 'bar', 'bing': 'baz'}

Inline methods

Some methods take other methods as arguments, like the built-in map method.

map(str, range(5))
<map at 0x7fdd0484af50>

map takes a function and an iterable, and applies the function to each element in the iterable. It returs however an generator, an object that is, for advanced reasons, not actually evaluated yet. In most cases, you can treat this list or tuple-like.

To make sure it is evaluated, we can explicitly convert it to a container, i.e. a list with the results. We can define and then pass our own functions.

list(map(str, range(5)))
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
def cube(x):
    """Return the third power of x."""
    return x*x*x
list(map(cube, range(5)))
[0, 1, 8, 27, 64]

For such a simple method, this is a lot of typing! We can use a lambda function to define such simple methods inline.

list(map(lambda x: x*x*x, range(5)))
[0, 1, 8, 27, 64]

The syntax of defining a lambda is like this:

lambda <args>: <return expression>

<args> is a command-separate set of variables that the lambda can take as arguments, and <return expression> is the code that is run. A lambda automatically returns whatever the result of the expression is, you don’t need a return (the return is implicit).

Writing a lambda statement defines a method, which you can capture as a variable just like any other object.

div2 = lambda x: x / 2
<function __main__.<lambda>(x)>
list(map(div2, range(5)))
[0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]

Note however that if we assing the function to a variable, the general preferred way to do is using the normal function definition.

def div2(x):
    return x / 2

Exercise Sum in quadrature

Write a method that accepts an arbitrary number of arguments, and returns the sum of the arguments computed in quadrature. A “sum in quadrature” is the square root of the sum of the squares of each number. You should use lambda to define a squaring and a square root function, and map to apply the squaring method.

[ ]:

Solution We need a little square root method and a method to square its input.

square = lambda x: x*x
sqrt = lambda x: x**0.5

We then define a method that can accept any number of arguments using the *args syntax, and use map to call the square method on the list of arguments. Then we can call sum on the result, and then sqrt.

def quadrature(*args):
    """Return the sum in quadrature of the arguments."""
    return sqrt(sum(map(square, args)))
quadrature(1, 1) # should be equal to sqrt(2)

Another good use case for lambda (remember, we can just define the function, it’s more of a “nice-to-have”) is the built-in filter method (see: help(filter)).

# filter and return the even numbers only
filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(10))  # returns again a generator
<filter at 0x7fdd0484a5f0>
list(filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, range(10)))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Exercise List comprehension

How would you rewrite the filter example above using a list comprehension?

[ ]:


[ x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0 ]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]

Generally, you should only use lambda methods to define little throw-away methods. The main downside with using them is that you can’t attach a docstring to them, and they become unwieldy when there’s complex logic.

Golden rules:

  • Make functions idempotent where possible (stateless, the same input values will return the same output). This is of course different for classes.

  • Don’t use globals (if anyhow avoidable).

  • Do not alter the input argument if they are mutable. If it’s convenient, make a copy of the object first (remember copies of lists?)

  • Put a docstring there. Probably even before you implement your function. This makes it not only to everyone else but also to you clear what comes in and what comes out.

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