This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to SSH

Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol to access other computers e.g., it allows logging in to a remote computer. It is commonly used in HEP when accessing remote computers.


Basic knowledge of the Unix Shell, e.g., from the carpentry course


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is SSH?
How does SSH encrypt traffic?
What’s a private/public key?
00:00 2. Basics How do I connect to a server with ssh?
How can I debug if there’s a problem connecting with ssh?
00:00 3. Nested SSH Connections (Optional) How can I connect to a host machine if I cannot access it directly?
00:00 4. The config file! How can I avoid typing long SSH commands?
How can I automatically hop via an intermediate server?
How can I set and remember advanced settings?
00:00 5. Key based authentication! How can I avoid typing very long passwords while still ensuring strong security?
00:00 6. Kerberos-based login How do I get a krb5 ticket?
How do I make my ssh config file use the krb5 ticket?
00:00 7. Port forwarding How can I connect to Jupyter notebook running on the server?
How can I connect to a website tunnelling to a server?
00:00 8. Additional tips & tricks
00:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.


The following people contributed to the content of this lesson: Note that this list does not include the contributors to the framework.