Dimuon spectrum
Teaching: 45 min
Exercises: 15 minQuestions
Can you get the di-muon mass spectrum with Matplotlib and mplhep?
Time to apply your knowledge for producing a nice plot!
Learn about other data formats beside ROOT
Looking at the dimuon spectrum over a wide energy range
Learning goals
- Relativistic kinematics.
- Mesons.
To determine the mass (\(m\)) of a particle you need to know the 4-momenta of the particles (\(\mathbf{P}\)) that are detected after the collision: the energy (\(E\)), the momentum in the x direction (\(p_x\)), the momentum in the y direction (\(p_y\)) and the momentum in the z direction (\(p_z\)).
\[\mathbf{P} = (E,p_x,p_y,p_z)\] \[m = \sqrt{E^2-(p_x^2+p_y^2 + p_z^2)}\]Some particles are very unstable and decay (turn into) to two or more other particles. In fact, they can decay so quickly, that they never interact with your detector! Yikes!
However, we can reconstruct the parent particle (sometimes referred to as the initial state particle) and its 4-momentum by adding the 4-momenta of the child particles (sometimes referred to as the decay products).
\[\mathbf{P_{\rm parent}} = \mathbf{P_{\rm child 0}} + \mathbf{P_{\rm child 1}} + \mathbf{P_{\rm child 2}} + ...\]which breaks down into…
\[E_{\rm parent} = E_{\rm child 0} + E_{\rm child 1} + E_{\rm child 2} + ...\] \[p_{\rm x parent} = p_{\rm x child 0} + p_{\rm x child 1} + p_{\rm x child 2} + ...\] \[p_{\rm y parent} = p_{\rm y child 0} + p_{\rm y child 1} + p_{\rm y child 2} + ...\] \[p_{\rm z parent} = p_{\rm z child 0} + p_{\rm y child 1} + p_{\rm z child 2} + ...\]Let’s code!
Here is some very, very basic starter code. It reads in data from the CMS experiment.
Use the sample code to find the mass of the particle that the two muons came from (parent particle).
To do this, you will need to loop over all pairs of muons for each collision, sum their 4-momenta (energy, px, py, and pz) and then use that to calculate the invariant mass.
Do this for all pairs of muons for the case where the muons have opposite charges.
It is very likely that a particle exists where there is a peak in the data. However, this is not always true. A peak in the data is most likely the mass of a particle. You can look at the approximate mass to figure out which particle is found in the data.
Your histogram should look something like the following sketch. The value of the peaks should be the mass of a particle. You should be able to find two particles in their ground state. Check your answer for the first particle! Check your answer for the second particle!
from IPython.display import Image
import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplhep as hep
Decide which styling you want to use
# This is the default style for matplotlib, do not change this cell if you desire this option
# This is the mplhep style, uncomment this line for this styling.
# hep.style.use("ROOT")
Load the data
# Make sure you have the correct path to the dimuon file!
event = h5py.File("./data-ep07-dimuonspectrum/dimuon100k.hdf5", mode="r")
And now extract it and perform sum
e = event["muons/e"][:]
px = event["muons/px"][:]
py = event["muons/py"][:]
pz = event["muons/pz"][:]
# We will check for muons that do not pass the kinematics
print(len(px)) # Number of muons
# See if there are any anomalies and clean them out
cut = (e**2 - (px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)) < 0
print(sum(cut)) # Count how many anomalies
We can use numpy to clean our arrays from anomalous events
e = np.delete(e, cut)
px, py, pz = np.delete(px, cut), np.delete(py, cut), np.delete(pz, cut)
Let’s calculate the mass
M = (e**2 - (px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)) ** 0.5
Make a histogram of the values of the Mass
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mu_{mass}$ [GeV]")
ax.set_title("Muon Mass spectrum")
Doesn’t really look like much. How about we fix that!
Using the code above, zoom in and fix the above plot to help visually estimate the mass of the muon. Where is the value of the peak at?
Hint: Google search for the arguments of the ax.hist
fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(M, bins=100, log=False, histtype="step", range=(0.1, 0.11)) plt.show()
Let’s make the dimuon spectrum
We need to calculate the sum the energies at the event level
\[E_{\rm parent} = E_{\rm child 0} + E_{\rm child 1} + E_{\rm child 2} + ...\] \[p_{\rm x parent} = p_{\rm x child 0} + p_{\rm x child 1} + p_{\rm x child 2} + ...\] \[p_{\rm y parent} = p_{\rm y child 0} + p_{\rm y child 1} + p_{\rm y child 2} + ...\] \[p_{\rm z parent} = p_{\rm z child 0} + p_{\rm y child 1} + p_{\rm z child 2} + ...\]Calculating the invariant mass of all particles
Let us first implement this with a loop:
def invmass(e, px, py, pz):
etot, pxtot, pytot, pztot = 0, 0, 0, 0
# This loops over all of the 4-momentums in the list, and adds together all of their energy,
# px, py, and pz components
for i in range(len(e)):
etot += e[i]
pxtot += px[i]
pytot += py[i]
pztot += pz[i]
# uses the total energy,px,py,and pz to calculate invariant mass
m2 = etot**2 - (pxtot**2 + pytot**2 + pztot**2)
return np.sqrt(abs(m2))
However, you might recall that python loops can be a performance issue.
It doesn’t matter if you’re looping over a few hundred iterations, but if you’re looking at millions of events, it’s a problem.
Let’s use numpy
to write the same code in a more compact and performant style:
def invmass(e, px, py, pz):
return np.sqrt(
e.sum(axis=-1) ** 2
- (px.sum(axis=-1) ** 2 + py.sum(axis=-1) ** 2 + pz.sum(axis=-1) ** 2)
You might be wondering about the axis=-1
that we used. This is because it allows our function to both operate on one-dimensional arrays (all particles in an event), or
two-dimensional arrays (all particles in many events, with the first dimension being that of the events).
Looping over all the muons and checking for the possible charge combinations
First, let’s assume that each event only has 2 muons. We will loop over both muons and keep under separate lists those with same charge (+,+) or (-,-) and those with opposite charge (+-,-+). We can do this with a simple python loop:
# These lists collect the invariant masses
pp = [] # positive positive
nn = [] # negative negative
pm = [] # opposite charges
M = [] # all combinations
for i in range(0, len(q) - 1, 2): # loop every 2 muons
# Make a list with information for 2 muons
E = [e[i], e[i + 1]]
PX = [px[i], px[i + 1]]
PY = [py[i], py[i + 1]]
PZ = [pz[i], pz[i + 1]]
M.append(invmass(E, PX, PY, PZ))
if q[i] * q[i + 1] < 0:
pm.append(invmass(E, PX, PY, PZ))
elif q[i] + q[i + 1] == 2:
pp.append(invmass(E, PX, PY, PZ))
elif q[i] + q[i + 1] == -2:
nn.append(invmass(E, PX, PY, PZ))
Hoewver, again the proper way to do this is with numpy. It might be harder to read at first, but once you get used to the syntax, it is actually more transparent:
# Use "reshape" to create pairs of particles
masses = invmass(
e.reshape(-1, 2), px.reshape(-1, 2), py.reshape(-1, 2), pz.reshape(-1, 2)
q_pairs = q.reshape(-1, 2)
# Create masks for our selections
pm_mask = q_pairs[:, 0] * q_pairs[:, 1] < 0
pp_mask = q_pairs[:, 0] + q_pairs[:, 1] == 2
nn_mask = q_pairs[:, 0] + q_pairs[:, 1] == -2
anomaly = ~(pm_mask | pp_mask | nn_mask)
if anomaly.any():
print(f"{anomaly.sum()} anomalies detected")
pp, nn, pm = masses[pp_mask], masses[nn_mask], masses[pm_mask]
Now we plot for all combinations
I would like you to make these 4 histograms in 4 different ways focusing on on different mass ranges. To look at these mass ranges, you’ll want to use the bins
and range
options in the ax.hist()
- Mass range 1: 0 - 120
- Mass range 2: 2 - 4
- Mass range 3: 8 - 12
- Mass range 4: 70 - 120
Remember, you’ll have 4 charge combinations for each of these histograms.
- All charge combinations
- Only positive muons
- Only negative muons
- Only oppositly charged muons
Below I will give you some code to get you started. Please make your changes/additions below this cell and look at each mass range.
# Arguments shared by the .hist calls:
kwargs = dict(
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(16, 10))
ax[0][0].hist(M, range=(0, 120), label="All charge combinations", **kwargs)
ax[0][1].hist(pp, range=(0, 120), label="$2+$", **kwargs)
ax[1][0].hist(nn, range=(0, 120), label="$2-$", **kwargs)
ax[1][1].hist(pm, range=(0, 120), label="Electrically neutral", **kwargs)
for irow in range(2):
for icol in range(2):
ax[irow][icol].set_xlabel(r"Mass (GeV/c$^2$)", fontsize=14)
Exercise: Now calculate the mass per event and make the plot.
You could use the np.logspace()
function for the binning. It helps in returning numbers spaced evenly on a log scale. You can find out more about it here.
logbins = np.logspace(0, 2.5, 200) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(pm, bins=logbins, histtype="step") ax.set_xlabel("mass (GeV/$c^2$)") ax.set_ylabel("Events") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_title("Mass of dimuons per event") ax.autoscale() plt.show()
Depending on what you did, you may see hints of particles below \(20 GeV/c^2\). It is possible you see signs of other particles at even higher energies. Plot your masses over a wide range of values, but then zoom in (change the plotting range) on different mass ranges to see if you can identify these particles.
Key Points
Any data format that can be loaded as an object in Python can be plotted using Matplotlib.
Not always the default values will provide meaningful plots. When needed try to zoom changing the ranges in the distributions.
When in doubt, check the documentation! The web is also full of good examples.