This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to Databases for HEP: Glossary

Key Points

  • A database management system (DBMS) is specialized on managing databases in a scalable and reliable way.

  • A relational database organizes data into tables with rows and columns.

  • A non-relational database does not use the tabular schema of columns found in relational databases, having a more flexible schema.

MySQL Basics
  • SQL commands are the building blocks for interacting with a MySQL database.

  • Creating a database and tables is the first step in structuring your data.

  • Inserting, updating, and deleting records allows you to manage data effectively.

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SQLAlchemy and MySQL: Exercises
  • CRUD operations in SQLAlchemy: Create, Read, Update, Delete.

  • Querying and filtering records based on specific conditions.

Relations between Tables
  • JOIN operations are used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a common column.

  • Foreign keys are used to maintain data integrity and enforce references.

Introduction to Conditions Databases in HEP
  • Conditions Databases store metadata for time-dependent data like alignment and calibration.

  • Global Tags group related PayloadTypes, which contain Payloads valid for specific IOVs.

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  • For lightweight applications, use SQLite.

  • Benefit from integration between sqlite3 and pandas.

Intro to NoSQL and Opensearch Queries
  • Opensearch queries can be used to search, update, and delete documents in an Opensearch index.

  • Indices in Opensearch define the structure and mapping of documents.

  • Term queries match exact terms or values in a specific field.

  • Range queries match documents within a specified range of values.

  • Compound queries combine multiple conditions using boolean logic.

Opensearch Text Based Queries
  • Opensearch supports a range of text-based query types, including match, match_phrase, wildcard, prefix, and fuzzy queries.

  • Each query type has specific use cases and parameters that can be customized for tailored search results.

  • Efficient utilization of text-based queries in Opensearch can significantly enhance data retrieval and analysis capabilities


The important parts of a plot are summarized in the image below Names for different parts of a matplotlib plot