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Intro to NoSQL and Opensearch Queries


Teaching: x min
Exercises: 6 min
  • What is NoSQL database and Opensearch?

  • How to perform indexing in Opensearch?

  • How to query and filter records in opensearch?

  • Understand the basic structure of Opensearch queries.

  • Learn how to create and manage indices in Opensearch.

  • Practice using different types of queries such as term queries, range queries, and compound queries.

  • Gain familiarity with updating and deleting documents in Opensearch.

NOSQL Databases

NSQL databases diverge from the traditional table-based structure of RDMS and are designed to handle unstructured or semi-structured data. They offer flexibility in data modeling and storage, supporting various data formats. Types of NoSQL database are :

NoSQL Database Type Description Examples
Key-Value Store Stores data as key-value pairs. Simple and efficient for basic storage and retrieval operations. Redis, DynamoDB, Riak
Document-Oriented Stores data in flexible JSON-like documents, allowing nested structures and complex data modeling. MongoDB, Couchbase, CouchDB, OpenSearch, Elasticsearch
Column-Family Store Organizes data into columns rather than rows, suitable for analytical queries and data warehousing. Apache Cassandra, HBase, ScyllaDB
Graph Database Models data as nodes and edges, ideal for complex relationships and network analysis. Neo4j, ArangoDB, OrientDB
Wide-Column Store Similar to column-family stores but optimized for wide rows and scalable columnar data storage. Apache HBase, Apache Kudu, Google Bigtable

Opensearch Databases

Opensearch is kind of NoSQL database which is document oriented. It stores data as JSON documents. It is also a distributed search and analytics engine designed for scalability, real-time data processing, and full-text search capabilities. It is often used for log analytics, monitoring, and exploring large volumes of structured and unstructured data.

In the following chapters, we will build a metadata search engine/database. We will exploit the functionality of OpenSearch to create a database where we can store files with their corresponding metadata, and look for the files that match metadata queries.

Opensearch Queries

Lets explore fundamental Opensearch queries and concepts. Opensearch provides powerful search capabilities. Here are some core Opensearch queries that you’ll use:

Setting up

Make sure you have python in your system. Lets create a virtual environment. Lets create a directory to work

mkdir myopenhsfwork && cd myopenhsfwork

Creating a virtual environment.

python -m venv venv

Activate the venv

source venv/bin/activate

Install install juyter and OpenSearch Python client (opensearch-py):

pip install jupyter
pip install opensearch-py

Then bring up Jupyter notebook. In your virtual enevironment run the following command.


Now create a new python file and start running the subsequent commands.

OpenSearch connection

We will use Opensearch from opensearchpy to establish connection/initialize the opensearh client. We need to specify the OPENSEARCH_HOST and OPENSEARCH_PORT which we have during setup i.e. localhost and 9200 respectively. we are writing OPENSEARCH_USERNAME and OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD(same as the one you specify during setup) in the code here for tutorial only. Don’t store credentials in code. And other options like use_ssl ( tells the OpenSearch client to use SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security) or not) and verify_certs (controls whether the OpenSearch client should verify the SSL certificate presented by the server) are set to false for tutorial. For production instance please set these parameter to True.

from opensearchpy import OpenSearch

OPENSEARCH_HOST = "localhost"
OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD = "<custom-admin-password>"
# Initialize an Opensearch client
es = OpenSearch(
    hosts=[{"host": OPENSEARCH_HOST, "port": OPENSEARCH_PORT}],

Create an index

Index is a logical namespace that holds a collection of documents. It defines the schema or structure of the documents it contains, including the fields and their data types. Mapping refers to the definition of how fields and data types are structured within documents stored in an index. It defines the schema or blueprint for documents, specifying the characteristics of each field such as data type, indexing options, analysis settings, and more. If no mapping is provided opensearch index it by itself. We will define mapping for the metadata attributes. For string we have two data type option. “keyword” type is used for exact matching and filtering and “text” type is used for full-text search and analysis.

index_name = "metadata"
# Define mappings for the index
mapping = {
    "properties": {
        "filename": {"type": "text"},
        "run_number": {"type": "integer"},
        "total_event": {"type": "integer"},
        "collision_type": {"type": "keyword"},
        "data_type": {"type": "keyword"},
        "collision_energy": {"type": "integer"},
        "description": {"type": "text", "analyzer": "standard"},
# define setting of index
index_body = {"settings": {"index": {"number_of_shards": 1}}, "mappings": mapping}
# create the index
es.indices.create(index=index_name, body=index_body)

# check if the index exists
exists = es.indices.exists(index=index_name)
if exists:
    print("Successfully created index %s" % index_name)

Index documents

we will index four documents into the “metadata” index. Each document represents a dataset with various fields like filename, run number, total events, collision type, data type, collision energy, and description.

The _op_type parameter in the bulk indexing operation specifies the operation type for each document. In this case, we’re using “create”, which creates new documents only if it doesn’t already exist. If a document with the same ID already exists, the “create” operation will fail. The other common operation type is “index”, which overwrites document if it already exists.

document1 = {
    "filename": "expx.myfile1.root",
    "run_number": 100,
    "total_event": 1112,
    "collision_type": "pp",
    "data_type": "data",
    "collision_energy": 250,
    "description": "This file is produced with L1 and L2 trigger.",
document2 = {
    "filename": "expx.myfile2.root",
    "run_number": 55,
    "total_event": 999,
    "collision_type": "pPb",
    "data_type": "mc",
    "collision_energy": 100,
    "description": "This file is produced without beam background.",
document3 = {
    "filename": "expx.myfile3.root",
    "run_number": 120,
    "total_event": 200,
    "collision_type": "PbPb",
    "data_type": "data",
    "collision_energy": 150,
    "description": "This file is produced without cherenkov detector",
document4 = {
    "filename": "expx.myfile4.root",
    "run_number": 360,
    "total_event": 1050,
    "collision_type": "pPb",
    "data_type": "mc",
    "collision_energy": 50,
    "description": "This file is produced with beam background",
documents = [document1, document2, document3, document4]
print("Total number of documents to be indexed indexed:  %s" % str(len(documents)))

We can do two type of indexing of documents. One is doing indexing one-by-one for each documents and another is doing bulk.

Synchronous indexing

for document in documents:
    _id = document["filename"]
    res = es.index(index=index_name, id=_id, body=document, op_type="create")

Bulk Indexing

The bulk function from the OpenSearch Python client is used to perform bulk indexing operations, which is more efficient than indexing documents one by one.

actions = []
duplicates = []
for document in documents:
    _id = document["filename"]

    # Check if document exists already
    if es.exists(index=index_name, id=_id):
                "_index": index_name,
                "_id": _id,
                "_source": document,
                "_op_type": "create",
from opensearchpy import OpenSearch, helpers

res = helpers.bulk(es, actions)
print("Total Number of successfully indexed documents: %s" % (str(res[0])))

Search for documents

Term Level Query

A term level query is a type of query used to search for documents that contains an exact term or value in a specific field. It can be applied to keyword and integer data types. This lets you search for document by single field (i.e. by single metadata in our case)

Term Query

Query structure looks like:

    "query": {"term": {<field>: <value>}}
search_query = {"query": {"term": {"collision_type": "pp"}}}
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Search for filename for documents with data_type mc.

Retrieve and display filename


search_query = {"query": {"term": {"data_type": "mc"}}}
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Range Query

It is also a term level query where we can apply a range of values to a field/metadata. Query structure looks like:

  "query": {
    "range": {
      <field>: {
        "gte": <lower_value>,
        "lte": <upper_value>

Here we have choice of operator gte for greater than or equal to, gt for greater than, lte for less than or equal to and lt for less than. Lets get the documents with run_number between 60 and 150 both inclusive.

search_query = {"query": {"range": {"run_number": {"gte": 60, "lte": 150}}}}

search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Search for filename for all the documents whose collision energy ranging from 100 to 200 (both exclusive) .

Retrieve and display filename with range query


search_query = {
   "query": {
       "range": {
            "collision_energy": {
                "gt": 100,
                "lt": 200
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Prefix Query

Another term level query is prefix query. As the name suggest it search for terms with sopecific prefix. Format of this query is

  "query": {
    "prefix": {
      <field>: {
        "value": <prefix>

Lets get the documents which collision_type has prefix “p”.

search_query = {"query": {"prefix": {"collision_type": {"value": "p"}}}}
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Compound Query

There different sub categories in this but we will here focus on boolean query. These queries allow you to combine multiple conditions to filter and retrieve documents that meet specific criteria.

Must Query

The must query combines multiple conditions and finds documents that match all specified criteria. This is equivalent to AND operator. Let get the filename with collision_type as pp and data_type as data

search_query = {
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                {"term": {"collision_type": "pp"}},
                {"term": {"data_type": "data"}},
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Search for filename for documents with data_type data and collision_energy 150 .

Retrieve and display filename


search_query = {
   "query": {
       "bool": {
           "must": [
               { "term": {"data_type": "data"} },
               { "term": { "collision_energy": 150 } }
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Should Query

The should query searches for documents that match any of the specified conditions. This is equivalent to OR operator. Let get the filename with collission_type as pp or PbPb.

search_query = {
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "should": [
                {"term": {"collision_type": "pp"}},
                {"term": {"collision_energy": 1127}},
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Search for filename for documents with run_number 55 or collision_energy 150 .

Retrieve and display filename


search_query = {
   "query": {
       "bool": {
           "should": [
               { "term": {"run_number": 55} },
               { "term": { "collision_energy": 150 } }
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Must Not Query

The must_not query excludes documents that match the specified condition. This is equivalent to NOT operator. Let get the document that must not have collision_energy 250.

search_query = {"query": {"bool": {"must_not": [{"term": {"collision_energy": 250}}]}}}
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Search for filename for all the documents that is not run_number 55 .

Retrieve and display filename


search_query = {
   "query": {
       "bool": {
           "must_not": [
               { "term": {"run_number": 55} }
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Search for filename for all the documents that must total_event greater than 200 and run_number greater than 50, should have collision_type as PbPb and must NOT have collision_energy 150. .

Retrieve and display filename combing must, should and mustn’t queries.


search_query = {
   "query": {
       "bool": {
           "must": [
               { "range": { "total_event": { "gt": 200 } } },
               { "range": { "run_number": { "gt": 50 } } }
           "should": {
               "term": { "collision_type": "PbPb" }
           "must_not": {
               "term": { "collsiion_energy": 150 }
search_results =, body=search_query)
for hit in search_results["hits"]["hits"]:

Update a document by filename

Lets update a field of documents. We can update a specific document by its document ID (_id). It updates the “data_type” field of the document with the ID “expx.myfile1.root” to “deriv”.

_id = "expx.myfile1.root"
data = {"data_type": "deriv"}
es.update(index=index_name, id=_id, body={"doc": data})

Delete a document by filename (-> _id)

Lets delete a document by its document ID (which is filename in our case)

_id = "expx.myfile1.root"
es.delete(index=index_name, id=_id)

Key Points

  • Opensearch queries can be used to search, update, and delete documents in an Opensearch index.

  • Indices in Opensearch define the structure and mapping of documents.

  • Term queries match exact terms or values in a specific field.

  • Range queries match documents within a specified range of values.

  • Compound queries combine multiple conditions using boolean logic.