Introduces Docker- a popular tool for software containerization.
Introduces Podman- an open-source alternative with several advantages.
Podman is a drop-in replacement for Docker. Replace podman by docker in the commands and you are good to go.
Pulling Images
Pull images with podman pull <image-id>
List all images on the computer and other information with podman images
Image tags distinguish releases or version and are appended to the image name with a colon
Running Containers
Run containers with podman run <image-id>
Monitor containers with podman ps
Exit interactive sessions using the exit command
Restart stopped containers with podman start
File I/O with Containers
Coffee break
Writing Dockerfiles and Building Images
Dockerfiles are written as text file commands to the container engine
Images are built with podman build
Images can have multiple tags associated to them
Images can use COPY to copy files into them during build
Removal of Containers and Images
Remove containers with podman rm <CONTAINER NAME>
Remove images with podman rmi <IMAGE ID>
Perform faster cleanup with podman container prune , podman image prune , and podman system prune
Using CMD and ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfiles
CMD provide defaults for an executing container
CMD can provide options for ENTRYPOINT
ENTRYPOINT allows you to configure commands that will always run for an executing container
Bonus Episode: Building and deploying a Docker container to Github Packages